Skoda Motability Northern Ireland
If you’re looking for Skoda Motability cars in Northern Ireland (NI), you’ve come to the right place at John Mulholland Motors.
We can help you find the Motability vehicle that’s perfectly suited to your individual needs. Whether you require a customised interior to store a wheelchair or need a vehicle with easier access, you’ll find what you’re looking for in our range of Skoda models available on the Motability scheme. Our Skoda Motability vehicles can be tailored to satisfy your driving needs, but it doesnt matter if you dont drive, you can still be eligible for the Skoda Motability NI scheme. Non-drivers who receive Mobility Allowance can get their hands on one of our Motability cars as a passenger and put forward two other people – such as family members or carers – as permitted drivers. You can also apply on behalf of a child aged three and over who receives the Mobility Allowance.
We can help you find the Motability vehicle that’s perfectly suited to your individual needs. Whether you require a customised interior to store a wheelchair or need a vehicle with easier access, you’ll find what you’re looking for in our range of Skoda models available on the Motability scheme. Our Skoda Motability vehicles can be tailored to satisfy your driving needs, but it doesnt matter if you dont drive, you can still be eligible for the Skoda Motability NI scheme. Non-drivers who receive Mobility Allowance can get their hands on one of our Motability cars as a passenger and put forward two other people – such as family members or carers – as permitted drivers. You can also apply on behalf of a child aged three and over who receives the Mobility Allowance.